Т.Д. Зинченко, Г.С. Розенберг


To provide a basis for scientific discussion, the authors of the monographу entitled “Hydrobiology in the 20ies of the 20th Century (a Retrochronicle)” present an adapted version of one of its chapters where selected directions in the development of modern hydrobiology are considered, problems in the general (systemic, productive, ethological, and paleological) and special (sanitary, medical, toxicological, radiological, agricultural, fishery, technical, and cosmic) hydrobiology are outlined, and issues of the hydrobiological education are highlighted. The expediency of an «ecologization» of hydrobiology, which will help to develop scientific foundations for the integrated operation of water bodies, is stressed.


problems of general (systems, production, ethological) and particular hydrobiology (sanitary, medical, toxicological, radiological, agricultural, fishery, technical, space)

Как процитировать материал


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