В.П. Калиниченко, А.П. Глинушкин, А.В. Свидзинский, Т.М. Минкина, Н.И. Будынков, О.Д. Филипчук, А.А. Околелова, Д.А. Макаренков


The outdated principle of imitation of natural phenomena in modern nature management causes the conflict "biosphere vs. technology", which worsens conditions for agricultural production. А scientific and technological approach "Biogeosystem Technique" is developed as a system of technical solutions and technologies for agronomy and environmental management that do not reproduce the laws of nature directly (have no direct analogies in nature). In particular, the principle of soil reclamation by milling a 20- to 45-cm illuvial horizon has been developed and tested in long-term field experiments. A new drive for the subsoil milling that has been developed provides for a 5- to 10-fold reduction in traction resistance and a two-fold increase in energy efficiency. With standard irrigation, water consumption is 4–15 times higher than the cultivated plants’ requirements for water. This disproportion causes degradation of soil hydrological regime and landscape. An intrasoil pulse continuous-discrete moistening paradigm is proposed. Nutrition for plants is provided using a relatively concentrated soil solution, and the stomatal apparatus of a plant functions in a regulation mode. This improves plant nutrition, increases plant productivity, and reduces water consumption 5–20 times. The Biogeosystem Technique approach will ensure the priority of the effects of polymicrobial communities and biofilms and improve the function of humic substances and soil organic matter. A dispersed recycling of mineral and organic wastes, including gasification product, during intrasoil milling of a layer of 20–45 (30–60) cm, which is safe for the ecosphere, is developed to optimize the circulation of nutrients. To protect plants from phytopathogens, an intrasoil pulsed continuous-discrete system for application of biological products and pesticides is developed. Biogeosystem Technique provides for a controlled co-evolution of the biosphere and the technosphere, thus reducing the phytopathogenic burden of an agrocenosis and helping to ensure the food security of the Russian Federation.


Biogeosystem Technique, intrasoil milling, intrasoil pulsed continuous-discrete moistening, intrasoil waste recycling, intrasoil pulsed discrete system for biological preparations and pesticides applying

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Калиниченко ВП, Глинушкин АП, Соколов МС, Шаршак ВК, Ладан ЕП, Минкина ТМ, Зинченко ВЕ, Черненко ВВ, Макаренков ДА, Рыхлик АЭ, Ларин ГС. Природоподобные технологии биогеосистемотехники. Агрохимия. 2020;(2):61-8, DOI: 10.31857/S0002188120020052

Gill JC, Malamud BD. Anthropogenic processes, natural hazards, and interactions in a multi-hazard framework. Earth-Science Rev. 2017;166:246-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.01.002

Van Mansvelt J-D. Soil fertility in agriculture: Russia – Western Europe – USA: In the past and today. Biogeosystem Technique. 2017;4(2):220–31. DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2018.1.87

Glazko VI, Glazko TT. Conflicts of Biosphere and Agroecosystems. Int J Environ Problems. 2015;1(1): 4-16.

Cheshko VT, Glazko VI, Kosova YV. Bioethics: Reincarnation of natural philosophy in modern science. Biogeosystem Technique. 2017;4(2):111-21. DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2017.2.111

Keesstra SD, Bouma J, Wallinga J, Tittonell P, Smith P, Cerdà A, Montanarella L, Quinton JN, Pachepsky Y, van der Putten WH, Bardgett RD, Moolenaar S, Mol G, Jansen B, Fresco LO. The significance of soils and soil science towards realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Soil. 2016;(2):111-28. DOI: 10.5194/soil-2-111- 2016

Johansson J. Collaborative governance for sustainable forestry in the emerging bio-based economy in Europe. Curr Opin Environ Sustainability. 2018;32:9-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.01.009

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Bohle M. Ideal-type narratives for engineering a human niche. Geosciences. 2017;7(1):18. doi:10.3390/geosciences7010018

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Kalinitchenko VP. Soil dynamics management. Biogeosystem Technique. 2016;4(10):284-316. DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2016.10.284

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Kalinichenko VP, Sharshak VK, Bezuglova OS, Ladan EP, Genev ED, Illarionov VV, Zinchenko VE, Morkovskoi NA, Chernenko VV, Il’ina LP. Changes in the soils of solonetzic associations in 30 years after their reclamation with the use of moldboard plowing, deep tillage with a three tier plow, and deep rotary tillage. Eurasian Soil Sci. 2011;44(8):927-38. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229311080060

Makange NR, Tiwari VK. Effect of horizontal and vertical axis rotavators on soil physical properties and energy requirement. Trends Biosci. 2015;8(12):3225-34.

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