Aspects of integrated disease management for potato under current conditions of sustainable intensification of agriculture of Europe

М.Д. Ерохова, М.А. Кузнецова


Regulations related to application of plant protection products (PPPs) to crops, especially to potato, are becoming stricter in European countries, the range of licensed pesticides (especially toxic WHO classes I and II pesticides) as well as their maximum residual levels (MRLs) in food products being reduced. That is why, in the EU and UK, the integrated pest management (IPM) approach is increasingly used making it possible to reduce infection levels in soils and plants whilst providing for a decrease in the sprays and dosages of PPPs, especially when disease burden is low. As a result, the residual levels of pesticides are reduced the final products. The use of IPM in EU is based national IPM plans (national action plans). The present paper provides information on IPM application to potato.


integrated pest management, potato, crop rotation, cover crop, intercropping, biofumigation, organic matter, soil health, plant health

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Ерохова МД. Опыт Великобритании в защите картофеля от бактериозов. Достижения науки и техники АПК. 2022; 36(2):8-13. DOI: 10.53859/02352451_2022_36_2_8.

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Dupuis B, Cadby J, Goy G, Tallant M, Derron J, Schwaerzel R, Steinger T. Control of potato virus Y (PVY) in seed potatoes by oil spraying, straw mulching and intercropping. Plant Pathol. 2017;66:960-9.

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Andrivon D, Lucas J-M, Ellissèche D Development of natural late blight epidemics in pure and mixed plots of potato cultivars with different levels of partial resistance. Plant Pathol. 2003;52:586-94.

Dupuis B, Cadby J, Goy G, Tallant M, Derron J, Schwaerzel R, Steinger T. Control of potato virus Y (PVY) in seed potatoes by oil spraying, straw mulching and intercropping. Plant Pathol. 2017;66:960-9.