Д.А. Иванов


Sown grasses stand height was monitored in an agricultural landscape in 2019–2021. The agroecological test plot was located within a terminal moraine hill. The aim of monitoring was to study the influence of the characteristic features of various landscape structures (differentially exposed slopes, landscape sections within them, and soil cover variegation) on plant height. The studies were carried out across an agroecological transect (a field crossing the main landscape positions of a moraine hill) at 120 sample points located 10 m apart. The height of red clover and timothy grass was determined nine times during the development of the perennial herbage over 1 to 3 years of its life. The statistical treatment of data revealed that the maximum effect on the spatial variability of plant height is produced by slope exposure. A significant influence of landscape factors has been proved only for the temporal dynamics of timothy grass height, whereas the features of clover growth do not depend on relief and soils parameters. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to develop a system of adaptive placement of grass stands in an agricultural landscape making it possible to manage the quantity and quality of fodder.


perennial grasses, monitoring, agricultural landscape, statistical analysis

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