О.С. Полякова, С.Ю. Семенов


Evaluation of the efficiency of construction and functioning of production and bioengineering facilities is necessary in economic planning as it allows to assess the expedience of a project at the planning stage and to minimize its operation costs. Currently, such evaluations are based primarily on costs and energy expenditures, which do not reflect the environmental impacts. The emergetic analysis, which is a branch of energy analysis, provides for assessing such impacts. In the present work this analysis was applied to three wastewater treatment systems in the village Kargasok of Tomsk Region (the Russian Federation): the conventional intensive treatment plant and two stages of its supplementation with constructed wetlands. The analysis suggests that the completed complex of treatment facilities has the minimum impact on the environment, whereas the maximum impact is produced by the initial intensive treatment facility. In addition to the traditional emergetic indices (EYR, ELR and ESI), the parameter EEE (emergy ecological efficiency) was used. This parameter was introduced because wastewater is a highly valuable resource. This is currently not generally recognized by society (wastewater is mostly neutralized, not disposed of), and thus is not considered in developing of wastewater treatment technologies. EEE characterizes the extent of a decrease in load on the biosphere due to the development of a treatment facility. The first wetland plot constructed positive for a beneficial effect of +41.2%, which was increased by only 3% due to the second plot. Some hypothetical options for wastewater treatment were also considered. For example, the most radical method of wastewater treatment is their distillation, which produces an adverse environmental effect of 286%. The best option for wastewater management seems to provide hot water supply to residential premises, which makes a beneficial environmental effect amounting to 58.5%.


emergy analysis, sewage treatment facilities, wastewater, environmental efficiency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v14i2.668