А.И. Литвинова, Н.А. Евстигнеева, Ю.В. Евстигнеева


The relevance of greening of major and the world largest cities to the sustainability and self-recreational potential of the environment is considered. The functions of greened territories that promote the sanitary conditions of urban environment and human health are outlined. The importance of the aesthetic aspect of greening for the mental and emotional conditions of population is stressed. The impossibility of further development of urban greening using conventional approaches to green space arranging is substantiated. The vertical greening as an alternative approach to increasing the scope of greening is brough into focus. Based on open publications, the modern technologies of vertical greening are reviewed. A classification of the technologies according to their engineering embodiments is proposed and the resulting categories are characterized. The normative juridical basis for vertical greening in Moscow is considered. It is found that currently the small architectural forms are employed in Moscow for greening on a regular basis. Using facades for greening and adapting successful foreign developments to domestic conditions are suggested as promising.


urbanization, urban environment, urban greening, vertical greening, technologies,

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