Е.В. Абакумов, Е.Н. Моргун


Agricultural practices in agrocenoses of different ages and in fallow lands of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation were studied with account for post-agrogenic transformations of soils under cryogenic conditions. Agricultural practices in the YNAR are much consistent with those in Finnish Lapland, Southern Greenland, and remote fishing villages in Alaska. Well-drained areas with sandy, light and medium loamy, sod-meadow or sod-podzolic soils, which are easily warmed and not floating in cases of heavy rainfall, are selected for gardens and fields. The depth of permafrost is reduced in plowed areas and depends on the age of their development. The content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium in the upper layer of fallow soils remains very high even through 5-20 years. The use of agricultural techniques, including mulching, drainage, and application of manure and compost derived from fish, increases soil fertility. Currently, agriculture in YNAR decays for such reasons as remoteness (logistics problems), dependence on weather conditions, difficulties in field cultivation, lack of market for agricultural products, and limited choice of products due to natural conditions and the specifics of the agricultural industry. The small indigenous peoples and the landscapes of the North are inseparable and may be sustainable only based on the traditional ways of life harmonized with the natural and social environments.


Agricultural practices, agroecosystems, fallow soils, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, permafrost

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