Д.М. Фетисов, Д.В. Жучков, М.В. Горюхин


The urban greenness distribution between functional areas of a medium-size city Birobidzhan was assessed. To this end, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values were calculated based on Sentinel 2 multispectral imaging. Birobidzhan is characterized by a large scatter of NDVI values (from –0.5 to +1). Areas with high levels of greenery are prevalent. They are found in different types of functional zones, but are specific mainly to natural recreational, agricultural, and individual build-up zones as well as to special areas. The spatial distribution of green infrastructure is highly contrast. The downtown part as well as the industrial and storage zones feature a combination of built-up areas with dense woody vegetation, which is often represented by fragments of preserved natural vegetation. In addition, a feature of the contrast is that low level of tree greenness is characteristic for the built-up districts of the city. Thus, in the city of Birobidzhan, ecological functions are largely performed by the natural vegetation present in the natural recreational zones on 70% of the city's area.


NDVI, urban area, vegetation, green infrastructure, greenness index

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