Н.А. Виноградова


The impacts of the urbanized environment of Donetsk region on the contents of biologically active substances and heavy metals in black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) flowers and on the total antioxidant activity of their preparations were evaluated. The contents of lead, cadmium and mercury in all samples studied were within the tolerable limits specified for herbal medicinal raw products. The accumulation coefficients of lead and cadmium were found to decrease with increasing soil levels of these toxicants, whereas the level of mercury did not depend on the degree of soil pollution. The contents of active substances in all samples collected in Donbas conform to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. In fact, the contents of carotenoids, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids are increased in S. nigra flowers collected in urbanized areas; however, the contents of other phenolic substances (anthocyanins and tannins) are decreased. The contents of ascorbic and free organic acids are highest under moderately urbanized conditions, so as the antioxidant activity of S. nigra flower preparations is. The results suggest that prospects for the pharmaceutical use of S. nigra flowers collected in urbanized areas of Donbas are promising.


black elderberry, urbanized environment, biologically active substances, antioxidant activity, heavy metals.

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