К.Г. Ткаченко


The genus Heracleum L. (giant hogweeds) is associated by mass attitudes with the adverse consequences of introduction of Sosnovsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnovskyi Manden.) in agriculture as a forage crop in 1940-1970ies. By the start of the third millennium, giant hogweeds became invasive and as such attracted the condemnatory attention of mass media. The present paper addresses common misconception concerning giant hogweeds and points out some of their potential benefits. In particular, it is wrong that hogweeds are spread by creeping rootstocks and that they were brought to Russia from USA in 1960s. Based on the adequate understanding of the biological features of Sosnovsky’s hogweed, approaches to its control are recommended. Another approach to minimizing the adverse sides of this plant is to make use of it. In particular, this species still holds a potential of being used as a forage, silage and/or melliferous herb. It is a rich source of volatile oils having antibacterial, antifungal, and antifungal activities promising for sanitation of different premises and usable for medicinal purposes. H. sosnowskyi contains anthelmintic agents usable in livestock and may be a raw material for cardboard manufacturing. The wide distribution of hogweeds makes these aspects of them deserving more attention in view of the possibility to make use thereof.


hogweed, Heracleum, invasive species, forage, essential oils, antibiotic effects, medicinal applications, anthelmintic effects, energy production, useful plants, methods of control.

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