Theory and practice of assessing the quality of life of the population of russia over the current secular interval

Ю.Н. Сергеев, В.П. Кулеш, В.В. Дмитриев


The objective of the present work is to develop and evaluate workable models for assessing population life quality (PLQ) in Russia based on the statistical theory of pattern recognition. To this end, the following tasks have been done: 1) developing of an alphabet of classes, which is algorithmically associated with the space of classification characteristics of PQL and gradations thereof (description of classes using characteristics vocabulary); 2) selecting of representative characteristics for assessing PLQ in Russia; 3) formulating and implementing of a series of workable statistical models for assessing PLQ in Russia (construction of recognition algorithms); 4) determining of PLQ classes at different stages of the foreign-policy and domestic socioeconomic development of Russia; and 5) developing of an algorithm for choosing an optimal criterion for PQL estimation out of a range of such criteria and for ranking the criteria according to their practical suitability. The suggested algorithm for PLQ recognition system includes training and recognition subsystems using various pattern recognition criteria: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, weighted mean for mortality factors and weighted mean for significance of life quality parameters. An algorithm for optimal selection of PLQ recognition criteria is proposed. To implement the selection of PLQ, a range of data reflecting the socioeconomic and environmental monitoring of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation in 1910 through 2015 were used. It is shown that the representative characteristics of PLQ in Russia differ from those adopted in the Human Development Index, i.e. life expectancy at birth, per capita gross national income, and expected years of schooling and average years of schooling. The PLQ characteristics representative for Russia are the levels of nutrition and health care and of the pollution of freshwater reservoirs and watercourses. The PLQ assessment algorithms using the weighted mean across the significance of life quality parameters and the weighted mean across the main factors of population mortality proved to be optimal. Apparently, the proposed methodology for assessing PLQ must be applicable to all member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States that emerged after the collapse of the USSR.


quality of life, pattern recognition models, representative indicators of the quality of life, Russia

Как процитировать материал


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