Structural and functional responses of arboreal plants to anthropogenic factors: Damages, adaptations and strategies. Part III. Impact on the radial accretion and on the rootage

Р.В. Уразгильдин, А.Ю. Кулагин


The present publication is the third of four reviews of reports that have been published over the last 20 years to address the responses of arboreal plants at different hierarchical levels of their organization to anthropogenic factors. Here, the impact of different types of industrial pollution on the radial accretion of the stock and on the rootage is considered. Most studies evidence that industrial pollution leads to unequivocal decreases in the radial accretion and in the sensitivity of the accretion to climatic cues, to the redistribution of the early and late wood in the total accretion, to changes in the durations of the ontogenetic periods and disorders in ontogenetic cycles, to the emergence or loss of the false annual zones, to accelerated senescence of forests, and to increases in the dependencies of accretion on the distance between forests and the sources of pollution and on the features of landscape. The decreases in the annual zone widths strongly depend on the contents of metals and microelements in the zones. Upon a decrease in pollutant discharges, the annual accretion may become restored. With that, some types of oil products, radionuclides and mixed pollutants can stimulate accretion depending on plant species, age, and conditions. As a rule, industrial or experimental pollution causes significant decreases in soil contents of all rootage components. The adaptive responses of rootage to pollution include redistribution of its different components in favor of some of them upon the background of the general rootage decline. Roots may “avoid” the most polluted soil layers and may actively excrete exudates able to prevent the penetration of a pollutant into rootage. Pollution with oil products may stimulate soil saturation with the rootage of most coniferous and only some deciduous plants. The radioactive pollution is more hazardous for rootage growth than for the radial accretion.


industrial pollution, radial accretion of trees, tree rootage, adaptive responses


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