О.В. Базарский, Ж.Ю. Кочетова


It has been shown in the present work that the methods used to sum up the coefficients of concentrations (hazards) of different pollutants in the abiotic geospheres are not additive and therefore cannot be universal. Universal is the entropic model developed for the biological structures. However, the classic definition of entropy is not appropriate for the abiotic structures because it comprises both stochastic and deterministic components. In the present work, a novel formula for calculating entropy of abiotic structures based on the environmental risk is proposed and an entropic model for assessing the environmental stability of such structures has been constructed for forecasting their development. The model has been tested by comparing the results of assessing the conditions of a test plot according to the entropic and the classic methodology. The classing one being non-additive yields somewhat overrated rank estimates. The entropic methodology makes it possible to forecast the ecological conditions of the test plot.


stability of ecological systems, entropic approach, information theory, Margalef, Verhulst model

Как процитировать материал


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v13i1.572