Е.Н. Пилипко, Н.Н. Харченко, В.С. Вернодубенко


The soil discharges made by moles (molehills) consist of mixed superficial soil layers where the main physicochemical parameters of soil show beneficial changes, including reduced density, moisture and acidity and increased humus content, especially during the first three months after molehill formation. In the present study, the biocenoses most preferred by the European mole (Talpa europaea, L) in Vologda Region have been determined. Most avidly inhabited by moles were moistened areas at forest edges and mixed young growths on glades. A limiting factor of the excavating activity of moles is soil grain-size composition. Moles prefer light and middle- density loams where its activity is high than in areas with light sandy loams and heavy loams. Data on the areas modified by moles in different sylvan biocenoses have been obtained. A positive effect of mole activities is facilitating the beneficial conditions for the restoration of plant communities destroyed by deforestation.


European mole, soil transformation, excavating activity, humus.


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