В.И. Пономарев, О.В. Толкач, А.В. Тукачева, В.В. Напалкова, Г.И. Клобуков


The article presents an analysis and assessment of the conditions of pine plantations in the intracity environment of Yekaterinburg city under annually increasing anthropogenic impact. The current situation increases the risks of tree falling and of losing unique urban pine stands. Examined were the intracity pure pine stands occupying about 4 hectares. The decreased stability of pine stands results from the combination of several factores: changes in the hydrological regime of the area, mechanical damage to trees during construction works, and damage caused by the trunk rot. With increasing age class of trees, the percentages of rot at 1.3 m of trunk height and at the root collar increase, predominantly at the height of 1.3 m. The absolute values of annual radial growth do not depend on damage by the red ring rot Phellinus pini (Thore et Fr.) Pil. A statistically significant relationship between plant infection and high-frequency characteristics of radial growth has been found. To date, the relevant municipal legislation does not include properly developed diagnostic scales for assessing the accident risk of pine trees at its early stage, including that related to unapparent rot. This deficiency warrants focusing on this problem. The results of the present study should be taken into account when making management decisions concerning care for and assessment and forecasting of the conditions of fragmentary intracity pine stands in the urban ecosystem of Yekaterinburg.


pine stands, sanitary condition, emergency trees, trunk and root rot, red ring rot.

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