A successful attempt to acclimatize the Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel) in the north of Leningrad Region

П.А. Лебедев, Л.П. Трофимук, А.В. Карамышева, Р.К. Пузанский


The Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel) has been successfully acclimatized on the northern shore of Glubokoye lake (Vyborg District of the Leningrad Region, the Russian Federation). This is the largest population (56 plants) of dwarf pine in Leningrad Region comprised of adult plants brought from the native habitat of the species. A survey of this population and statistical processing of data were carried out in comparison with the long known P. pumula population of the Scientific Experimental Station "Otradnoye" (Botanical Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences). The dwarf pine successfully tolerates the present-day climate of the Northwest of Russia and yields full-grain seeds.


Siberian dwarf pine, Pinus pumila, acclimatization, Nizhneangarsk, Lake Glubokoye, Leningrad Region.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v12i4.553