Taxonomic diversity of diatom complexes of Holocene bottom sediments of small water bodies within the Lake Imandra depression

А.Л. Косова, Д.Б. Денисов, С.Б. Николаева


A study of the taxonomic diversity of diatom algae in Holocene bottom sediments of two small water basins at the western coast of the lake Babinaskaya Imandra (Murmansk Region) has demonstrated the historical transformations of the species compositions of structures of diatom complexes associated with environmental changes in the Holocene. The water basins studied featured the predominance of the benthic and adhesive algae in the algal communities throughout the Holocene. The most drastic changes in the diatom complexes were associated with a tectonic event nearby the Imandra depression.


diatom analysis, paleontological reconstruction, Holocene, small water basins, Murmansk Region

Как процитировать материал


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