Э.В. Трускинов


The article highlights the activities of N.I. Vavilov as an outstanding organizer of science in the hard times of transformation of agriculture in the USSR. The period of his scientific and organizational work spans 20 years (1920-1940), of which the first decade was the most productive. The decrease in the practical impact of his work is associated with socio-political and repressive conflicts in the USSR and with clashes of different scientific and non- scientific concepts related to understanding the basics of genetics and its role in promoting agricultural production. Despite this, the historical significance of N.I. Vavilov’s organizational contribution to science is not transient as reflected by the fact that both institutes organized by him, i.e. All-Soviet Institute of Plant Breeding (currently, All- Russian Institute of Genetic Resources of Plants) and Institute of General Genetics, bear his name.


N.I. Vavilov, agricultural science, VASHNIL, All-Russian Institute of Genetic Resources of Plants, Institute of General Genetics

Как процитировать материал


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v11i4.515