Б.Ф. Апарин, Е.Ю. Сухачева


The history of husbandry is the history of crises caused by aggravations of food problems. All such crises are largely associated with soil degradation. For thousands of years those crises were regional and were resolved due to inventing of newer husbandry systems. In the 20th century, there emerged symptoms of a global crisis of intensive husbandry caused by systemic soil degradation. This resulted in slowing down of crop yield increases and worsening of the quality of agricultural produce, which were apparent despite increasing inputs in soils. The present paper addresses the types and factors of soil degradation associated with agriculture as they relate to the extensive and intensive modes of husbandry. A soil-preserving paradigm of husbandry is proposed. Soil-sustaining husbandry and it constituents are characterized.


paradigm, soil degradation, soil-sustaining husbandry

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