Е.В. Мошкина, М.В. Медведева, А.В. Туюнен, А.Ю. Карпечко, Н.В. Геникова, И.А. Дубровина, А.В. Мамай, В.А. Сидорова, О.В. Толстогузов, Л.М. Кулакова


Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia The chronological succession series of forest communities regenerating in abandoned farmland is described. A period of 110 years since abandonment was studied based on reference stands aged 20-65-110 years. The typical process in the settings studied is the regeneration of coniferous stands with a gradual reduction in the share of deciduous stands as they are approaching their limit. These changes are accompanied by shifts in soil characteristics. Changes in microbial biocenoses are more apparent in the upper soil levels (0-20 cm). Transition from arable to fallow soil conditions results in organic matter accumulation at the level from 0 to 10 cm, which is associated with increasing respiratory activity and microbial carbon content. At the level of 10 to 20 cm, microbial carbon content is highest in the arable soil. The soil contents of microorganisms generally increases in the series from 110-years to 65-years old spruce forests and further on to 20-years old birch forest, grassland and arable land. A century after a land has been abandoned plant communities developed there are hardly discernible from native ones. Only indirect signs are indicative of the former. One of the signs is that the tree stands developing in abandoned farmland are far more productive than the stands that grow prior to cultivation. The results of the present study may be useful for diagnostics of soils at different stages of restoration after anthropogenic transformation and for environmental monitoring.


succession, chronological series, communities, soils

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