Microelements and regional incidence of autoimmune thyroid disease in children in Russia

Л.А. Сопрун, И.М. Акулин, А.Н. Гвоздецкий, Ю.И. Строев, В.И. Утехин, Л.П. Чурилов


The paper presents data on relationships between the regional incidence of the autoimmune pathology of the thyroid gland among children in Russia and the contents of some microelements in their hair, namely those known to have an adjuvant effect on the immune system. The results relate to all Federal Districts of Russia in 2008-2017. А regression model of these relationships is proposed. It has been shown that the region-specific contents of iodine and mercury but not aluminium in the hair of children positively correlate with the regional incidence of Graves’ disease. Thus, an increase in the exposure to an essential microelement in excess of need, as well as an increase in the exposure of toxic trace elements, can adversely affect autoimmunity. The data are discussed in comparison with literature on this topic and in the context of predicting and preventing the risk of autoimmune thyroid disease in pediatrics, especially with regard to the optimal choice of vaccines. The issues related to the permissive effect of the various factors that form the mosaic of autoimmunity, on the resulting changes in reactivity are addressed. The bill for obligatory iodization of cooking salt in the Russian Federation is criticized because it does not take into account regional differences in the availability of trace elements.


microelements, mercury, iodine, aluminum, adjuvant, autoimmunity, von Basedow-Graves' disease, thyrotoxicosis, hair

Как процитировать материал


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v11i4.503