Evaluation of the impacts of ice control materials having different chemical compositions on grass growth and soil respiration

А.О. Герасимов, М.В. Чугунова


Comparative evaluation of the impact of ice control materials (ICM) used in Saint Petersburg grass growth and soil respiration was carried out to select the least hazardous of ICM and to establish their tolerable dosages. The ICM studied were based on sodium, magnesium or calcium chlorides, or potassium acetate, or sodium formate. ICM solutions were applied to sod-podzolic soils to make a 20, 50 or 150 g/m2 application dose. Grass conditions were assessed by lawn grass biomass and wheat sprout root length. Under laboratory conditions, medium and high dosages of chlorides suppressed all parameters, the least toxic being magnesium chloride. Acetates and formates were less toxic and in some cases even stimulatory, in particular, for soil respiration. Under field conditions, the impact of chlorides gradually declined over the vegetative season, most likely because washing out by atmospheric precipitates, which are usual for the rainy climate of Saint Petersburg. On a whole, acetates and formates are the least hazardous among ICM tested. Under Saint-Petersburg climatic conditions, application dosages of ICM should not exceed 50 g/m2.


ice control materials, soil, grass, toxicity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v10i4.461