В.А. Евсегнеев


An analysis of the current legislation related to state monitoring of lands in the Russia Federation suggests that it is largely devoid of shortcomings found in previous normative and legislative acts. However, there are problems with filing of information obtained upon agricultural lands monitoring. The problems are caused by RF subjects’ reluctance to monitoring of lands and developing of relevant informational resources. This leads to missing of a number of parameters in state monitoring. A more elaborate list of parameters to be monitored is suggested. In particular, the crop productivity of lands should be taken into account. For this, an inventory of accountable parameters must be developed. A modification is suggested for the administrative structure of agencies authorized to conduct agricultural lands monitoring and to issue crop yield certificates. A systemic approach to land monitoring ensuring its efficient interactions with other branches of state management, as well as timeliness and credibility of information obtained during land monitoring are warranted.


land monitoring, agricultural lands, crop yield certificate, land law effectiveness, land conditions

Как процитировать материал


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