А.В. Шабатура, О.Б. Блюм, Ю.Г. Тютюнник


Regional atmogeochemical fields in the territory of Kiev and Zhitomir Regions (Ukraine) were assessed using briogeochemical indication (elemental analysis of mosses Pleurozium schreberi and Brachythecium oedipodium in the present case). The data were treated using factor analysis to draw conclusion about the causes of formation of these fields under different environmental and anthropogenic conditions. The main causes are: (I) local (test plot- confined and regional) pollution of surface air with large-particle aerosols formed by disintegration of natural and anthropogenic matter; (II) local pollution of surface air with small-particle aerosols formed by condensation; (III) trans-border transfer of polluted air from the west and, probably the north; (IV) anthropogenic acidification and redox and pH misbalance in precipitates; and (V) biological assimilation of chemical elements by mosses. Air pollution factors specific for the regions under assessment are titan ore mining and processing in Zhitomir Region and, probably, potassium-containing aerosol transfer from halurgy plants in Belarus.


chemical composition of atmosphere, biogeochemical indication, factor analysis, causes of air pollution.

Как процитировать материал


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