Р.М. Яковлев, И.А. Обухова


2 Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Two planetary-scale catastrophes in Chernobyl and Fukushima and numerous other accidents related to nuclear power industry pose significant risks to the biosphere. All reactors and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) stores at nuclear power stations are highly hazardous because of enormous amounts of radionuclides accumulated in SNF and prone with being realized upon emergency situations possible because of very different and thus unpredictable reasons. Among currently operating reactors, the most dangerous are high-power channel-type units (HPCT) similar to those of Chernobyl. High hazards are associated with mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuels, which is used in a few reactors at present; however, its use is expected to advance. The production of such fuel is prone with environmental poisoning with plutonium. Especially dangerous is the possibility to use MOX fuel “dirty” nuclear weapons. Even more dangerous for the environment are reactors based on fast neutrons, which consume nuclear fuels based on plutonium, which is required at a 20-tons amount for fuel cycle circuiting. Upon an accident, plutonium compared with cezium-137 can be thousands times more dangerous for humans and the environment. Besides that, any isotopes of plutonium are suitable for making nuclear explosives. The availability of plutonium increases with the increasing spread of nuclear energy plants. The environmental and terroristic risk associated with nuclear energy may be decreased by transition from uranium-plutonium to thorium-uranium fuels. The composition of a liquid thorium-uranium fuel may be controlled in the active zone of a reactor by removing or accumulating of volatile and gaseous products, and the fuel may be poured out of a reactor upon an emergency. Low-power reactors may be used to initiate the transition. Meanwhile, large- scale nuclear power production should be reduced by discontinuing the operation of all HPCT reactors possibly sooner because of the high hazards discussed in the present paper.


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), nuclear power stations, fuel element, fuel circuiting, spent nuclear fuel, Institute for Safe Development of Nuclear Energetics, maximum permissible dose of outer and inner irradiation, high-power channel-type reactor, uranium- plutonium fuel cycle, thorium-uranium fuel cycle, nuclear nonproliferation, mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel, fast neutron-based reactor, liquid-salt solution.

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