А.В. Бочарникова


In regions where protected areas are being instituted, it is important to harmonize the interests of indigenous people and of protected area administrations. An approach to resolving contradictions and preventing possible conflicts is based on the co-administration concept developed in the West within the framework of ecosystems management theory. The objective of the present paper is to assess the possibility to use co-administration in Bikin National Park instituted in Pozharskiy District of Primorskiy Region of Russia in 2015. Under certain conditions, the assessment becomes possible based on a model area, which features a relatively remote location, the presence of small indigenous populations involved in their specific economic activities, and massive invasion of business, such as lumbering, and uncontrolled tourism, which makes a significant burden for ecosystems. The review of these relationships covers the period from the end of the XIX century up to the present time. Conflict between lumbering companies and Udege and Nanai people who have been hunting for ages in these territories is becoming increasing tense starting from 1980-ies. The institution of a national park may damp this conflict. For this, co-administration strategies are most promising for Bikin river basin. At present, a transition from the consultative to the joint administration mode is taking place there. However, compared to the western approaches, indigenous people in Russia are less involved in decision making, which is delegated to the government of the Russian Federation.


institutions, traditional nature management, small indigenous people, protected areas, co-administration

Как процитировать материал


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