Г.А. Оганесян, Е.А. Аристакесян, И.В. Романова, С.И. Ватаев, В.В. Кузик, Д.К. Камбарова


The second part of a review on the evolution of sleep-wakefulness cycle addresses published data about the neuromediator and neuroendocrine regulatory mechanisms of the cycle including author’s original findings obtained in comparative studies of the morphological and immunohistochemical features of dopamine-, glutamate- and GABA-ergic systems in the diencephalic and telencephalic systems of the brain under sleep-deprivation stress and post-deprivation sleep conditions and of morphofunctional features of the vasopressin(vasotocin)- and oxytocin(mesotocin)-ergic diencephalic systems in the sleep-wakefulness cycle of homoiotherm and poikilotherm vertebrates. Altogether, the original and other published findings suggest that the elaboration of forebrain structural differentiation and the development of diencephalic and stem systems of the brain in the course of phylogenesis were associated with marked decreases in the degrees of colocalization and cofunction of neuromediator systems. The systems were becoming increasingly differentiated due to greater variety of specific receptors, which provided for the development of multilevel mechanisms of switching-on and maintaining of efficient wakefulness and sleep states.


CNS evolution, sleep-wakefulness cycle, sleep-like states in poikilotherms, immunohistochemistry, neuromediators, neurohormones.

Как процитировать материал


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v5i1.315