Л.C. Шашкова


The current state of floriculture arts in Russia is reviewed. Current trends in the science of floriculture, florist’s trade, and decorative flower breeding are considered. The expediency of their close collaboration with flower industry and landscaping is substantiated. Among the most promising trends are the introduction of wild-growing plant species having attractive flowers. However, amateurish selection of flowers, which used to be quite productive in this country as long as since nineteen thirties, is in decline now. Therefore, efforts by both amateurs and professional must be combined to rectify the current situation. The main problem of floriculture in Russia is currently the lack of coordination between all those concerned. An encouraging news is the explosive development of nursery gardens in Russia based on collaboration between gardeners who share their experience, visit the best nursery gardens in Russia and abroad, run conferences, organize exhibitions, and collaborate with landscapers. Hopefully, this can give impetus to decorative plant gardening using modern biotechnological approaches thus revitalizing decorative plant selection based on findings in the wild flora, which so rich in Russia. By collaboration with foreign florists and gardeners, this can help Russia in entering the global flower market.


floriculture, nursery gardens, landscaping, selection.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24855/biosfera.v8i4.295