Е.П. Белоусова, И.В. Латышева, С.В. Латышев, К.А. Лощенко, А.С. Щеблыкин


The contribution of meteorological and synoptic conditions to the occurrence of forest fires in Irkutsk Oblast is assessed. Based on observations at meteorological stations located in different physiographic regions of Irkutsk Oblast, the index of fire danger according to N.P. Nesterov is calculated for the periods ranging from April through September in the years 2010-2015. The index characterizes the meteorological conditions in the area of interest as the averaged degree of fire hazard. The most favorable times for forest fires are May-June and August- September, and the most favorable areas are in the northern part of Irkutsk Oblast and at the coast of the lake Baikal, where the amount of rainfalls is the least. The synoptic analysis of summer in 2015, when forest fires in the territories near Baikal were numerous, revealed the dominant role of blocking processes accompanied by rare southern cyclones, which are the main suppliers of moisture to the region. The most accurate predictors of forest fires in Irkutsk Oblast (.70% accuracy) in the warm season of 2015 were air temperatures at the ground level and at tropospheric heights AT–850 hPa and AT–500 hPa, potential temperatures at AT–850 hPa, geopotential anomalies at AT–500 hPa, and relative humidity and total precipitations.


forest fires, weather conditions, Irkutsk Oblast.

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