М.А. Мамаева, В.А. Жигульский, Н.С. Царькова, М.Б. Шилин


The present article addresses the environmental strategy for Ust-Luga Seaport developed within the framework stipulated in the “Environmentally Friendly Port” project of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program “South-East Finland – Russia” of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument co-financed by the EU, Finland and the Russian Federation. The main objective of the strategy is defined as combining the development of seaport infrastructure with the maintenance of healthy and safe terrestrial and aqueous environments. To this end, the results of long-term monitoring carried out in 2000 through 2015 were used to estimate the integral vulnerability of the coastal ecosystems of Luga Bay to different anthropogenic impacts with account of their effects on different hydrobionts and their population recovery potentials. A map showing the distribution of zones characterized by different ecological vulnerability levels (very low, low, medium, high, and very high) has been constructed. The western and the eastern parts of Luga Bay differ in this regard. The southeastern parts currently comprise natural-technical system featuring low species diversity and ecological vulnerability. In the western part, a variety of highly vulnerable natural systems is recognized. The results suggest that most of the recorded changes in Luga Bay ecosystem caused by port construction are reversible at present. In the future, the core biological communities can be restored, provided the environmental impact of seaport operation is reduced due to the implementation the environmental strategy. The resulting environmental, economic and social effects will make Ust-Luga Port an environmentally friendly enterprise.


environmental strategy, ecological vulnerability, environmentally friendly seaport.

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