Е.М. Дорошенко, Е.П. Григорьева, И.Н. Исакова-Сивак, Л.Г. Руденко


A short historical overview on the epidemiological aspects of influenza worldwide is given, the main biological characteristics of flu viruses most important for developing flu vaccine are outlined, and a more detailed discussion of human infection and death caused by avian flu viruses [A(Н5N1), A(H5N6), A(H7N3), A(H7N7), A(H7N9)] are discussed as a background for reviewing measures against possible flu pandemics, including international collaboration in this field. In Russia, the provision of its population with vaccines against potentially hazardous avian flu viruses and the strains A(H1N1)pdm и A(H2N2) is rated as a strategic priority. A collection of potentially pandemic flu viruses is established at Research Institute of Experimental Medicine (Saint Petersburg), and vaccines based on it are currently passing preclinical and clinical trials. Preclinical trials have proved that the vaccine preparations are safe, immunogenic and protective. In Phase I trials on adult human volunteers, the vaccines proved to produce no adverse effects, including the transmission of viruses from vaccinated to control subjects. Because of their ability to evoke cross-reactive immune responses, the vaccines may be used as first-line measures against newly emerged pandemics even if the pandemic strains have unique antigenic features.


avian flu, live attenuated vaccine, pandemic, vaccine strains.

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