А.В. Яблоков, В.Ф. Левченко, А.С. Керженцев


The emergence of humans resulted in the transformation of biosphere into the anthroposphere associated with the disrupting of closed circuits of circulation of matter in the biosphere and of the biotic regulation of biosphere-wide processes. Humankind has surpassed the limits of the biological regularities of evolution and population dynamics, expanded its ecological niche by making use of resources unavailable to other species, and created a novel class of matter – the tertiary produce. The disruption of the biotic regulation and the pollution of the biosphere with global non-degradable pollutants threaten the vital systems of the biosphere and the existence of humankind, in particular, because of the increasing population load. A harmonization of the process that currently take place on the planet is essential for the transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere; however, it is complicated by differences in the rates of evolution of ecosystems, technologies, and human mentality. The concept of the emergency management of the biosphere (“manageable evolution”) could help to restore the homeostasis of the biosphere treated as an integral organism. For that, however, the currently dominating Neolithic paradigm of nature management has to be refuted.


biosphere, anthroposphere, technosphere, noosphere, manageable evolution, society, population load, Neolithic revolution, homeostasis, biotic regulation.

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