С.К. Симаков


Three main types of diamond formation in natural processes are known. The first one is the mantle type associated with kimberlites and corresponding to macro-size diamonds. Their dimensions are from 1 mm to several centimeters. The second one is the metamorphic type associated with metamorphic rocks and corresponding to micro-size diamonds. Their dimensions are from 1 to several hundreds microns. The third one is the interstellar type associated with meteorites and corresponding to nano-size diamonds. Their dimensions are less than 100 nm. In nature, diamonds can be formed within a wide range of pressures and temperatures corresponding to diamond stability as well as graphite stability. Their sizes increase with increases in pressure and temperature. The common feature of all diamond types is the presence of nitrogen. Introduction of nitrogen atoms to diamond structure leads to the stabilization of micro- and nano-sized diamonds in the field of graphite stability.


diamond, nanodiamonds, kimberlites, meteorites, Earth mantle, fluids, organics.

Как процитировать материал


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