Г.А. Исаченко, А.И. Резников


The landscape structure of Saint Petersburg (Russia) within its administrative borders (1439 km2) is analysed based on a 1 : 200 000 map drawn-up using landscape dynamics approach. The landscapes are considered as integral combinations of their sites (which are characterized by the stable features of their landform, soil-forming bedrock, and moistening regime) and long-term states (mainly related to plant communities and soil characteristics). As the area of the megalopolis increased, its landscape structure grew increasingly complex. Currently, the structure includes 39 types of first-tier sites formed by natural and/or filled-up grounds and 17 second-tier sites where natural or filled-up grounds are overlaid by housing, which is predominantly multistorey, and artificial surfaces. Territories built-up by not less than 5 % of their areas make about 48 % of the total area. About 7 % of the area consist of undeveloped filled-up grounds and man-made islands. About 30 % of Saint-Petersburg area is occupied by natural landscapes, including abandoned agricultural lands under forestation, drained peat-bogs, abandoned pits, and exhausted peateries, where natural processes are under minor human control. Reviewed are the basic features of the natural sylvan landscapes corresponding, on the whole, to the southern sub-zone of east-European taiga, the paludal landscapes subjected to anthropogenic impacts of varying extents, and the natural complexes of the Gulf of Finland coast. Special attention is paid to the development of natural protected areas and to conflicts of nature management interests associated with this process. If the Potential Protected Areas Examination Act, which has been passed in 2014, will be implemented in full, protected areas can reach 20% of the territory under discussion, and this will ensure the preservation of all major types of natural landscapes. According to data obtained during eight years of landscape monitoring of 10 protected areas in Saint Petersburg, the most dynamic are the natural complexes of abandoned agricultural lands, drained peat-bogs, abandoned peateries, and the coast of the Gulf of Finland where plant communities and, sometimes, even relief shapes may undergo significant changes within a few years. Monitoring of long-term dynamics of natural and man-altered landscapes in Saint Petersburg is of paramount importance for preservation of reference coens within protected areas and for maintaining the quality of environment in general.


Saint-Petersburg, landscape, site, long-term states, dynamics

Как процитировать материал


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