А.И. Хархота, С.И. Прохорова, И.В. Агурова


Mining operations generate vast toxic territories that are devoid of vegetation and have destroyed soil and impaired hydrological properties. The process of spontaneous overgrowing of such territories with higher plants (anthropogenic syngenesis) differs from phytocenosis development on naked rocks in many aspects reviewed in the present paper. The anthropogenic syngenesis in industrial ecotopes, which have no analogues in nature, takes more time, simultaneously involve plants belonging to different life-forms and ecological groups, and result in peculiar biocenoses having specific structural and functional features. The common features of spontaneous plant communities in different industrial ecotopes include labile floristic composition, unstable structure, and perpetual immigration of new plant species. Floristic composition bears zonal features in that it includes species typical of local environment, such as steppe, rocky land or forest margins. Longterm geobotanical and floristic studies of spontaneous overgrowing of industrial ecotopes provided for distinguishing for general stages of anthropogenic syngenesis: 1 – phytomigration; 2 – ecotopic adaptation and selection of plant species; 3 – consolidation and further development of technotolerant species; 4 – formation of phytocenosis. For each stage, the types of overgrowing with plants, projective coverages by indicator species, and their prevalences are described. Further studies of vegetation that develops in the course of anthropogenic syngenesis are warranted for ecological justification and development of approaches to optimization of vegetation in industrial ecosystems.


industrial ecotopes, spontaneous overgrowing, plant communities

Как процитировать материал


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