А.В. Макрушин, О.Ю. Кузьмина


The global environmental crisis will not ruin the biosphere and mankind. Crises are natural stages of the development of any evolving system, including the biosphere. Global environmental crises are inherent in the evolution of the biosphere. Several scores of crises in the evolution of life on the Earth are known. They resulted in the extinction of taxa that were less efficient, compared with competing taxa, in the utilization of environmental resources under the conditions of a current crisis. The extinct taxa were substituted by those that were able to utilize the resources more efficiently and completely. As a result, the utilization of resources of the Earth by the biosphere was increasingly efficient, and biogeochemical cycles grew increasingly stable. The present-time crisis is a regular one. The role of humans in it, no matter how intelligent they are, is not different from the role of other taxa that caused environmental crises in the geological past. The assertion that there will be no place for humans in the biosphere modified by them is erroneous. The adaptive abilities of humans are very high. As more knowledge about the environment will be accumulated and more adequate such knowledge will be to the reality, the ability of the humankind to use the environmental resources will increase and the position of the humankind in the biosphere will strengthen.


evolution, biosphere, global environmental crisis.

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