Р.Л. Левит, В.А. Кудрявцева, Т.Д. Шигаева


A key process determining heavy metals distribution between natural aquatic media components is sorption. Heavy metals sorption by mineral suspensions is a complex phenomenon, which includes different mechanisms and depends on many factors. We used stripping voltammetry to study the effects of magnesium and calcium ions on zinc, cadmium, lead and copper ions sorption by aluminium oxide and kaolin. Magnesium and calcium ions were found to inhibit zinc and cadmium ions sorption by aluminium oxide and to produce virtually no effect on lead and copper ion sorption. This finding suggest that zinc and cadmium sorption occurs by ion exchange to form labile complexes, whereas lead and copper ions sorption is mediated by specific mechanisms and results in stable complexes. However, kaolin forms labile complexes with copper by ion exchange. It follows from the findings that increasing salinity in estuary waters will result in desorption of cadmium and zinc ions from suspensions and in increasing levels of dissolved cadmium and zinc in aquatic media, whereas dissolved lead levels will remain virtually constant. This conclusion is consistent with published data obtained in field studies.


heavy metals, mineral suspensions, sorption, salinity, aquatic.

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