К.М. Петров, В.А. Бананова, В.Г. Лазарева, А.С. Унагаев


Desertification is one of the most alarming processes leading to degradation of the environment and to reduction of agricultural lands. In order to address this issue and to raise public awareness of the need to protect the land from degradation, the United Nations announced a research program “UN Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification” for 2010 throughout 2020. The present paper briefly reviews the main publications issued in Russia from the beginning of the XXI century about the general methodological problems of desertification. Criteria for defining the nature and intensity of desertification are suggested based on international experience. Climate aridity is one of the most important factors of land degradation. Despite of ongoing international efforts, the threat of desertification is still real. The Northwest Рrecaspian region, which represents the western edge of the Great Asian Deserts belt, is used as an example to examine the processes of desertification at a regional level. The degradation of vegetation, the conditions of land and irrigation systems, the fluctuations of Caspian Sea level, and the development of transport networks, cities and towns in the region are used as the objects of monitoring of the levels of destruction of the natural environment. The concept of cartographic monitoring of the degradation of arid ecosystems is discussed, and a map of modern desertification of the Northwest Para-Caspian is suggested. Due to GIS technologies, the map may be updated with account of dynamic processes of land degradation.


criterion of desertification, North-Western Precaspian, cartographic monitoring, desertification map.

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