Л.С. Ивлев


The composition and processes of formation of aerosols of the lower atmosphere in Leningrad Oblast are discussed based on the results of comprehensive studies carried out in 1970 through 2005. Pronounced diurnal variations in the levels of the main aerosol-forming gases, nitrogen oxides and ozone have been found. In virtually all size fractions of aerosol particles, adsorption band typical of silicates, carbonates and nitrated have been found. Comparing the elemental composition of aerosols with heavy metal levels in soils suggests that transboundary lead and cadmium entry is possible, whereas mercury is mainly of local origins. The organic component of aerosols is mainly comprised of particles smaller than 0.1 mm and shows pronounced seasonal variations, the maximum found in June. When anthesis occurs, organic matter levels in aerosols increase by two orders of magnitude and particle sizes exceed 1 mm.


troposphere, gaseous and aerosol contaminants, composition, diurnal and seasonal variations.

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